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News > Two Weeks of Pathoplexus

Two Weeks of Pathoplexus

By the Pathoplexus Team - 13 September 2024

Since Pathoplexus launched on 27 August, we’ve been humbled by the incredibly positive reaction from the pathogen research, bioinformatics, and public health communities. And it’s been a busy two weeks! We’re thrilled so many people have taken the time to explore the website & GitHub, read about our aims & commitments, and also helped spread the word about Pathoplexus!

Here’s a short list of updates from our side, to celebrate two weeks of being live!

In the media:


  • Since launch, Pathoplexus has had thousands of unique visitors from over 100 countries, with 65 creating accounts (necessary to upload, but not to view data)

Executive Board update:

Scientific Advisory Board:

  • We’re incredibly pleased to welcome Pardis Sabeti from the Broad Institute, Harvard University, and HHMI to the Scientific Advisory Board!

Software updates:

  • Our code is open-source and on GitHub. Thank you to everyone from the community who have made suggestions for improvements to Loculus (the software behind Pathoplexus). Since launch, we’ve added a few features and fixed some bugs. All enhancements and bug-fixes are documented on GitHub. Severe incidents with high impact will also be reported on this news page.

Past talks:

  • Cornelius Roemer and Fabian Engelniederhammer gave a talk on Loculus at “TNG Big Techday 24” on 5 July 2024, which you can watch on Youtube
  • Tanja Stadler spoke about Pathoplexus and Loculus at SIBE (8-11 Sept, Napoli) and at Inauguration of Alps Infrastructure (13 Sept, Hoenggerberg)

Upcoming talks:

  • Now that we’ve launched, we’re keen to tell you more about Pathoplexus and Loculus! Look out for talks from our members at upcoming conferences:
    • Emma Hodcroft at ESCV (18-21 Sept, Frankfurt)
    • Chaoran Chen at 2024 ASM NGS (13-16 Oct, Washington DC)