This is a demo instance. You can upload any data you like, including test data to try things out. You can find test data to upload in the example data repository. This instance should not be used for analysis.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Pathoplexus Scientific Advisory Board, made up of experts in virus genomics and data sharing, plays a crucial role in providing expert guidance to Pathoplexus decision-making, providing feedback to help ensure that the Pathoplexus database meets the needs of the scientific and public health communities and adheres to the Pathoplexus Values. By sharing their expertise, the board helps maintain the database as a reliable and transparent resource for pathogen genome sharing.

Pathoplexus recognizes that a diverse and active board is essential for maximizing the database’s positive impact.

The Pathoplexus Scientific Advisory Board is defined and guided by the Scientific Board Board Guidelines.

More Scientific Advisory Board members will be announced soon.

Picture of Sofonias Tessema
Sofonias Tessema
Africa CDC
Picture of Pardis Sabeti
Pardis Sabeti
Broad Institute, Harvard University, HHMI
Picture of Mang Shi
Mang Shi
Sun Yat-sen University
Picture of Meera Chand
Meera Chand