This is a demo instance. You can upload any data you like, including test data to try things out. You can find test data to upload in the example data repository. This instance should not be used for analysis.

Editing your account

You can edit your account to update your information anytime. Once logged in, you can click on ‘My account’ in the top-right of the webpage

  1. Click ‘Edit email address or password’ (We should edit this button)
  2. This will redirect you to Keycloak, the component of our website that handles accounts and authentication
  3. From here, you can edit your personal information, such as username, email and name. At the moment, you cannot edit your ORCiD or affiliation/university
  4. Be sure to save any changes after you make them.
  5. You can also explore your login options such as 2-factor authentication, and see where else you’re logged in and what other accounts are linked